live shows & phone sex

Live WebCam shows:
Most cam networks do not allow period play and most camgirls will find you quite rude if you ask for it. Also, it's very difficult to schedule period play unless you are a fan of one particular camgirl who has a very predictable schedule.

If you're interested in a less controversial camshow, check out iFriends (again, they do NOT allow period play). IFriends is the best online peepshow playground with literally THOUSANDS of women, men, trannies, couples, and more performing around the clock.

Phone Sex:
My toll free number is the best way to get all-taboos-welcome phone sex with me or one of my colleagues:
1-866-513-SEXY (7399)
$2.99/min. US & Canada, Must be 18+, 7 minute minimum

Alternatively, if you'd like to browse hundreds of amateur phone sex operators online at the best and most trusted internet phone sex site, check out NiteFlirt. Some of those girls also have cams.


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