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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Period on the Pill: Month 2

After last month's dud of a period, I was concerned my flow might be decreased so significantly by the birth control pill that I'd have to retire myself from making bloody content. Fortunately, my period started yesterday and it appears to be back in fine form, richly soaking tampons and spattering my panties.

Yesterday I cancelled my show for today, worried that if I promised a bloody show it wouldn't materialize, and that if I *didn't* promise a bloody show I would wind up dumping a deluge of red stuff on unsuspecting viewers. I guess I could put it back on the schedule, but I need a break. I'll definitely shoot some tampon stuff tonight though, as a member pointed out that I don't have any tampon insertion or removal videos.

The great news (for me, but may be irrelevant to menstruation fetishists) is that the pill has really reduced my PMS and mood swings so much, I feel SO relieved. It still hasn't totally regulated the day my period starts, though, as it should have started on Saturday, but didn't come until Monday. I hope this gets sorted out so that I can reliably plan on shooting bloody content and doing bloody shows.


Anonymous said...

Too bad for you. Even on the pill I am on (heavy) for seven days and then off again for two weeks, then on again. I'll trade you.

10:24 PM  

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