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Monday, May 23, 2005

Vacation Period

As some of you may already know by reading (and listening to) my main blog, The Wandering Webwhore, we're in the middle of a two week plus road trip, so we don't have much internet access. I was going to skip my period (by continuing to take birth control pills rather than taking a week off of them) while we're vacationing and have it when we get home so I won't "waste" a period without shooting content for BloodyTrixie.com, but I'm going to go ahead and have it since my dreams, etc. are sort of disturbed in the week before my period starts. I'd rather just have my period, and get back to normal rather than wait which I fear would prolong PMS.

Anyway, if you're trying to email me you will not get a response until after we get home around June 3rd or 4th. While we're gone we're running discounts on memberships to all of our sites (except BloodyTrixie) so you may want to check that out:


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