Vivid red streaks on my damp toilet paper and a round blob of pussy snot tinted purplish-brown. My period just started.
A weblog for those who are curious about chicks on the rag and the red fetishists who dig through their trash cans. Logged by a webwhore on her own menstruation site.
. . . it's that time of the month, so though I am incredibly horny, we haven't made the time to hop in the shower together for a good fuck so nothing personally sexy to write about.I think conflicted feelings about our periods, especially in a sexual context, are to be expected. The conflicting feelings are more apparent in a sexual context because there's the uncertainty over how your lover's perceive it. Will they think I stink? Will they resent the mess? Will they go ahead with it even though they don't want to so that they won't hurt my feelings? Would they tell me if they didn't like it? We shouldn't care, but most of us do.
You know, speaking of that, I was looking at recently. I don't know what I think about it - I sort of get there and cant take my eyes off of her teasers and get this 'wow that's sort of an icky turn on' sort of feeling deep down inside. It really is one of the last taboos isn't it?
I don't really have a problem with the idea of sex while on my period - there is always the shower afterwards etc. I wouldn't think twice of it to be honest and I am rather kinky and up for almost anything. I do worry about what my husband thinks of it though, he can be a bit more reserved in the bedroom than I am sometimes and isn't really into kinky things for the most part. I think we have maybe had sex, I dunno, 3-4 times at the tail end of my cycle in 9 years of being together and have never really flat out talked about it. Odd, eh?
My Gynotopia is not very politically correct. If you're a feminist you might want to stop reading here.I've been somewhat reluctant to link to this blog, Gynotopia, because I want to make sure people know it's written from the perspective of a male menstruation fetishist, not the perspective of a menstruating woman. And yeah, I'm a feminist and as he himself acknowledges -- it might not be comfortable reading for my ilk.