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Sunday, August 22, 2004

TwiddlyBits' Bloody Cervix

From TwiddlyBits' Sex Blog:
"I started my period, as was expected, on Friday, July 30th. It went as expected and by the following Tuesday was tapering off such that I could remove my Keeper. However, the "tapering off" never stopped. In fact, sometimes it was as red as first-day-of-my-period blood! Dangly & I made love twice during the week (remember, we've been sick!) and after both ocassions I had very bright red blood."

Read the whole entry for more information on her poked cervix . . . more anecdotal evidence supporting my own discomfort with The Keeper. I love that it's reusable, but I do not like the suction idea or the idea of anything touching my cervix when I'm already crampy. I've known women whose cramps were exacerbated by The Keeper.


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