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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This MIGHT be my Last Period . . .

So. Tucker/Delia and I decided we want to have a baby so I took my last pill on Saturday night. My period started today so if we manage to get pregnant this month, it will be my last period for a long time. If we *don't* get pregnant right away, I'll have a heavier flow by not being on the pill and will be able to shoot bloodier content.

You win some, you lose some . . . You can keep up to date with the pregnancy "thing" here: FertileTrixie.com. There is a blog there which I'll keep focused on pregnancy-related topics and an option to sign up for my fertility and pregnancy focused newsletter.


For those of you who are interested, I thought my period was going to start while we were at the gym this morning. I started cramping up as soon as we got there, but I didn't want to cut our workout short so even though I didn't have any pads or tampons, I kept exercising and going to the bathroom often to make sure I wasn't about to bleed through my light pink crotch-hugging yoga pants. I know I should have been more prepared, but it's virtually impossible for me to remember *everything* I need to pack for the gym. Fortunately, the gym provides a little basket with emergency supplies; the only things in it today were three fairly thick disposable pads so I'm glad I didn't have to use one since a) I'd have had an obvious pad bulge in my pads, and b) I don't really like using disposables.


Those of you who are fans of the members-only area may be wondering when I'll be showing off the period stuff I've been shooting; it's definitely still on my to-do list to re-open and post fresh stuff, but our other sites are / have been more important so BloodyTrixie gets put on the back burner. I know I tell you this all the time, but it's important people realize that it's not simply that I'm too busy to devote time to BT, it's also that I'm loathe to put energy into a website that credit card companies discriminate against with policies restricting the depiction of menstrual fluid. It's a free speech issue, a gender issue, and an issue of corporate discrimination that chaps my bloody hide and SHOULD chap yours, too.

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